Runtime: 06:00 mins
Ratio: 16:9
Shooting Format: 16mm Colour
Year: 2020
Cast & Voice: Mirjam Joya Strübel
Poem: Sebastian Unger
Translation: Ann Cotten
Director: Yannick Mosimann
Screenplay: Yannick Mosimann & David Nydegger
Camera: Yannick Mosimann
Assistance: Joel Baumann & Matthias Nydegger
Music: David Nydegger
Mix: Thomas Schmidinger
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Ratio: 16:9
Shooting Format: 16mm Colour
Year: 2020
Cast & Voice: Mirjam Joya Strübel
Poem: Sebastian Unger
Translation: Ann Cotten
Director: Yannick Mosimann
Screenplay: Yannick Mosimann & David Nydegger
Camera: Yannick Mosimann
Assistance: Joel Baumann & Matthias Nydegger
Music: David Nydegger
Mix: Thomas Schmidinger
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Borametz - half plant, half animal - hybrid of the incurably vegetable lamb, which as a four-legged plant is firmly attached to the ground and complains about nature - what does it want to tell us, outside in the drizzle, inconsolable and outraged, when it speaks one last time
Screenings & Exhibitions
2022 Annual Aarhus Film Festival
2022 9th International Video Poetry Festival
2021 The 2021 Film and Video Poetry Symposium